The 128-hour HCCC/Nursing Assistant course is approved by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) as a pathway to the nursing assistant. It prepares students for work in nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and other places that provide medical services.
The curriculum provides 64 hours of HCCC plus an additional 64 hours of lab and clinical time for students. (In comparison, the traditional 75-hour Minnesota State Nursing Assistant Curriculum provides 59 hours of lab and lecture plus 16 hours of clinical time for students.)
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Prior to offering the 128-hour HCCC/Nursing Assistant course you MUST get preapproval from Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
You are also required to take the HCCC Educate the Educator course and submit your certificate of completion to MDH.
Qualifications of Instructors of HCCC
MDH Requirements for HCCC Pathway to Nursing Assistant
Link to MDH Nursing Assistant Program Resources (Go to "Employer and Training Program Resources," bottom right column.)